This blog is about life experiences & observations and stuff I am interested in. It is simply a side hobby and creative outlet; generally, with a tongue-in-cheek tone. I don't take it too seriously, nor should you. I do not profess to represent every point of view. Nothing on this site is a paid post.
It is for entertainment purposes only it, so just lighten up and just enjoy it. Life is short, live in the moment.
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Silver and blue look really good. I am not much for any x-mas decorations but my flat mates always take care of that.
I had to enlarge the picture before I could spot Sheldon :)
I've been busy for over 2 weeks, doing trees, wreaths, garlands, etc. for everyone else (plus the Governor's Mansion) and my tree will have to wait. I have another private home to do and then mine. I may try to lighten those photos for you.
oh how beautiful rick!!! we aren't decorating, just enjoying everyone elses this year. well most years! ha ha ha
smiles, bee
I like your blue tree!
My aunt sent me a lovely wreath for my front door, but I suspect the rest of my decorating will go the way it goes every year - I keep thinking I have another weekend, another evening, plenty of time, and then...oops.
The doors/wreaths are gorgeous and so classic looking. For a minute there I thought you were going Elvis on us! The tree is beautiful -- it's nice to change things around a bit, isn't it?
What a beautiful doorway and entry! Tis the season....
I clicked on the picture to biggify it and it looks beautiful!! I like the blue and white-I typically have red and green but this year I might do something different since I'm having a Christmas party.
Your front entrance is beautiful. I don't remember ever seeing it before, but it's gorgeous! I love the wreaths too. Great choice. Simple and elegant.
I am waiting until next week to decorate...I'm painting today!
silver, gold, red and green. Decided to put a tree up. my brother asked for it.and told me it had to be "red". Will post a pic tomorrow or the next day.
The tree is beautiful -silver and blue make for an awesome color combo. And the wreaths too -very nice, indeed. I really have to get a move on and take some pictures of our tree and especially the wreath a friend of ours made for our front door. This place has never seen a wreath the likes of this one. It is absolutely, a knock-out!
Ohhhhhh! Soooooo beautiful, Rick! Your photos definitely put me in the Christmas spirit! Absolutely gorgeous!
Your home looks so warm and inviting. The blue tree is quite pretty and festive.
I love the colours, it looks beautiful and warm and cozy.
I adore blue lights on trees!
Your house looks so beautiful. Just like the ones in a magazine. Wish mine looked like that. Sigh.
Blue is my favorite color.
We usually have multi-color lights, but last year we bought all white. They look nice, but I like more lights and little to no ornaments or garland.
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