One of the benefits of working at our company is we can bring our pets to work with us. Let me tell you what a HUGE benefit that is, too. Having one of my dogs with me curled up at my feet all day brings such comfort and joy. It helps release stress if the day gets a little crazy too. Sometimes if I'm in meetings for an hour or two and return to my office, I'm greeted by my dog with such enthusiasm that it makes me smile and all the stress just drains away. So for me, having my dog at work makes me enjoy being at work even more. It's also not a problem when I need to work late, I just take Sheldon or Duncan out for a walk and go right back to work. Of course, the floor in my office has dog toys and chews scattered everywhere, but I don't mind a bit. So yes, it is true, dogs do make work better. Anyway so back to the new photos. Aside from the ones taken with Sheldon, a few were taken of just me, but I much prefer the ones with my canine co-workers.

above: This one was taken at my desk, and looks rather official, don't you think? The books make me look like a professor.

above: here is one with both Sheldon and Duncan. This was taken a few weeks ago, when Duncan was still a bit smaller. Today's he's nearly Sheldon's size. So the question is, which photo do you think is best to be used with my bio when I am representing my company? I'm looking for your honest opinion...so go ahead, leave a comment with the brutal truth.
-Rick Rockhill
I like the one of you alone the best, but I think it would be a good idea to use one with the dogs in it.
take your pick, they are great!!!
smiles, bee
Both pics are great, so I guess it's just a question of what message you're trying to send. The first one looks more scholarly and corporate. It would be good if your message is, "I'm an expert."
The second one has a friendlier, more casual feel (although you look professional in BOTH photos - I just want to be clear on that point). The second photo says "I'm a friendly pet-lover." This is a good message in your line of work.
I don't think you can go wrong with either photo. You just need to decide which one brands you better.
The top one.. no contest.
bunnygirl said exactly what I wanted to say about the last two pics...But I really really love the one of you with Sheldon by the Petco sign. Sheldon is such a happy guy and it shows....
bunnygirl said exactly what I wanted to say about the last two pics...But I really really love the one of you with Sheldon by the Petco sign. Sheldon is such a happy guy and it shows....
I love the last photo; Sheldon's look is priceless. He reminds me of when my daughter gives a reproachful look to her little brother. *smile*
I think the first one you've been using is very nice and represents your company well, but the last one says that you and the boys are a "family." I think it portrays you in the way that makes you appear knowledgeable AND sympathetic to the needs of pet owners.
I choose the second one, too. Especially since you work with such an animal loving company.
I love the honest to goodness family feel you have with your boys. :)
p.s. I just got my special PetCo friends and family coupon emailed from my cousin!! Yay!!
Hi Rick,
I've been a fan of your blog for many months since you combine many of my favorite things (Palm Springs, Dogs (and cats) and travel) in one well written blog. We have a tiny Palm Springs blog here: www.palmspringsswings.com that our group of friends who have a place in PS contribute odds and ends.
HI Lynda- thanks for saying hi. I've never seen your site before, so nice to meet someone else who loves PS as much as I. Let's link to each other
i am partial to the one with both dogs because i hate to see one of them miss out but for a business bio in representing the company i think the first one is best. you and sheldon look relaxed and happy and the company logo is in the background. the one of you alone is indeed very business like and a very nice picture but i prefer the warmth conveyed in the first one.
I've been a horrible blog friend lately and have not come by to comment. I am sorry for that. I am trying to be better, now that I am settled in my job and new place.
These photos are wonderful, by the way. I started to say "the first one is my favorite" but then the 2nd one was just as good and the 3rd, well-how cute are the 3 of you!?!?
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