This blog is about life experiences & observations and stuff I am interested in. It is simply a side hobby and creative outlet; generally, with a tongue-in-cheek tone. I don't take it too seriously, nor should you. I do not profess to represent every point of view. Nothing on this site is a paid post.
It is for entertainment purposes only it, so just lighten up and just enjoy it. Life is short, live in the moment.
As the author, thoughts/views have no affiliation to my clients, business colleagues or my company.
This blog is independent and free of any type of financial affiliations. Some images used are from the internet and sometimes hard to credit them, so if you own any and want them removed just send me a message.
No copyright infringement intended. I am not responsible for defamatory statements bound to government, religious, or other laws from the reader’s country of origin or residence. The intention of this blog is to do no harm, defame, libel or offend anyone.
like you, i have more to be thankful for than i can list. very quickly for the biggies...
i am thankful for god's grace in my life, for my relative health and that of my family, for the provision in times of need this year, for loving and faithful friends and their kindness. finally, in keeping with flippancy...i'm thankful for hugh jackman who is funny, smart, talented, an advocate for adoption, and perfectly delicious.
i'm thankful for good health and family and oh so much more... and friends like you rick!
smiles, bee
I am thankful for all of the people in my life who know me well and love me anyway and for the fact that I have learned that even though life can be really tough sometimes, there is always hope and things always turn around as long as you're willing to put in the work to help it along.
I am also thankful for hot IT guys.
I am thankful for my family and theirs and my health. The strength and faith to get through tough times and blog friends like you :)
Oh and Johnny Depp LOL
I have much to be grateful for and consider myself truly blessed.
Did you have a good day? I hope so. :)
I am thankful for my family, my friends (both in person and on the blog or Face book) and I am grateful for my God-given talents.
I hope you had a good Thanksgiving!
No matter how much I may grumble, rant and complain at times, I know, deep down inside, I have so very much to be thankful for that I couldn't possibly begin to list it all! Just waking up -at my age -is probably at the top of my list or it shares that spot with being so thankful for my family -even the blasted SIL too! LOl
And right now, I'm enjoying the peacefulness of a day that went quite well and everyone is asleep now which leaves me to read blogs, then hopefully work on my embroidery a bit before going to bed! And that, believe you me, is something really nice to have here!
I'm thankful that I'm able to play music.
I'm thankful that I still have a job, which means I don't yet have to feed myself through said music. :)
I'm thankful for having more in my life than I'm always aware of. And for people in my life who are more important to me than I ever let them know, but who still let me come back and see them. :)
Happy Holidays Rick.
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