Above: We made this flying ghost, which was hanging over the bar on the back patio. (Even our bartender was spooked by this ghost). Above right: various props from around the house, skulls, jars full of blood & eyeballs, and big black hairy spiders.

Above: Hanging Bats and caged Zombies hung overhead by the pool.

Above: Scary Zombie heads hung from the rafters, while strings of huge hairy black spiders slithered down strings, hitting guests in the face while making their way outside by the pool patio.

Above left: Skeleton silhouettes hung inside these glass French doors on the east end of the patio & above right: The outdoor fireplace was a favorite spot for our guests to hang out and admire the spooky atmosphere.

Above: Meet Esmerelda, our Gypsy Fortune Teller, whose head was inside a glass globe located in the Library waiting for guests to stop by for her words of advice. Her head moved and her eyes lit up as she dispensed her cryptic messages.

Above: I bought these signs, which were fun: Griselda's Nail Salon, which reads: "Today's Special: Bunion polishing and broomstick wax. Free Cellulite stretching with every mole massage", and 'Witch Beatrice's Bone Meal Bakery, Try Our Famous Earwax and Booger Cakes, and for the kids: Soiled Spider Swirls".

I did nearly all of the cooking and baking for the party, with a large buffet spread which included: Pork Tenderloin with Plum Sauce, Beef Tenderloin, Pasta with Vodka Sauce with Crimini Mushrooms & Turkey, Scallops with Champagne sauce, Veal & Pork Meatballs, Five varieties of sauteed Chicken Herb Sausages, Two varieties of Quiches, and over 10 different hors d'Ĺ“uvres , which were passed on trays throughout the evening by our servers. One of my favorites were bacon-wrapped dates stuffed with almonds. Since they were grown locally, the dates were a big hit with the guests.

The dessert table included homemade brownies, bat-shaped sugar cookies with green frosting, dark chocolate bunt cakes with Ledson Chocolate Merlot Wine Sauce, and of course an endless supply of Fannie May chocolates!
-Rick Rockhill
Is it wrong to want to eat all of that stuff at 6something in the morning??
Great pictures and great presentation on the food!! I expect an invite next year. :)
oh my gosh that food looks delish. Your decorations were great...how about the costumes????
You are one of the coolest people I've ever met.
Way cool!!!
Holy cow! Where do you find all the time? OR do you have a 36-hour day? That is one great buffet spread you put together.
This party must be THE event to receive an invitation to. Wow. Do you do Christmas too?
You throw quite the party! Too bad I don't live near you - I'd be SO there! (even if I had to sneak in)
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