This blog is about life experiences & observations and stuff I am interested in. It is simply a side hobby and creative outlet; generally, with a tongue-in-cheek tone. I don't take it too seriously, nor should you. I do not profess to represent every point of view. Nothing on this site is a paid post.
It is for entertainment purposes only it, so just lighten up and just enjoy it. Life is short, live in the moment.
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I so did not need to see that! It looks waaaaay too good! :-)
I've tried making pizza maybe two-three times at most - from scratch but it sure never sounded or looked as appealing as this one of yours does! How'd you do the crust to get it so perfect? The toppings just sounded so good it was like they were tripping little aroma triggers in my mind to where I felt almost like I could smell the savory flavors blending! That was naughty of you cause now, you made me hungry.
I curse you, Savant! I LOVE pizza. I live across block from best pizza in Seattle. Thin whole wheat crust, moz cheese, mushrooms...Oscar night fare. White wine. German beer for my German friend. I swore off pizza, 50 and all...now your photos...
oooooh, that basil pizza looks irresistible.
i'm a big fan of green pepper and onions on my pizza too.
It looks awesome! Can I come over for dinner next time?
I should make more stuff at home like pizza, and bread. I think you've inspired me Rick.
Homemade pizzas are the best! We like to make whole wheat crust in the bread machine and then top it with peanut sauce, shredded carrots, chicken, bamboo shoots, cilantro, green onion and various other items we might have and make a Thai pizza that is to die for!
Yours looks marvelous, Rick!
i want yours! ha ha ha
smiles, bee
That looks amazing!!
Oh those pizza's look fantastic! I am a big fan of the Hawaiian pizza, pepperoni or margarita pizza.
I think I know what I'm having tonight...P I Z Z A!
Do you have any left? I can be there in about four hours!
OK! Now I'm starving!!!!!!!!!! ;)
WOW, very nice!
Where did you get the crust? Was it pre-made?
Love homemade pizza! Yours looks great. I like chicken, mushroom and jalapenos on mine. Or spinach, artichoke and feta. Or basil, fresh tomato and fresh mozzerella.
Mmmm, the possibilities are endless.
I make homemade pizza semi-regularly as it is a kid favorite and homemade fills them up better than a store bought frozen one ever could.
I keep it pretty simple though, pepperoni, cheese, canadian bacon. Too many picky eaters around here, but your basil looks lovely!
Homemade pizza is my fave meal. Has to have chillies!
Oh, I LOVE homemade pizza! Mine never look as good as yours, though :(
This is like a really sexy reality show: With all the boring parts edited out!!
I can't wait to see what you do tomorrow!
oh my god those look fabulous...i am salivating! i like a hawaiian pizza with ham and pineapples sometimes.
Holy Hannah! That's a lot of stuffage. :)
Mmm...basil on pizza. LOVE IT
The last pizza I made at home was an apple and bacon with white wine. It was very good.
That looks extry good, dear! Hubby and I will be over for dinner tomorrow...what'cha cooking for us? LOL!!!!
ok I am totally hungry now...which is a compliment to your pics because I have been sick for days...
I love tomato and pineapple on my pizza...a weird combo I know but yummyyyyyyyy
I will also add that when I looked at this post the next day I was already craving pizza again. I could eat it every night!
Your pizza looks awesome. Cheese and basic sounds great. If you want to share mushrooms too, I'll be right over!
Mushroom, garlic, jalapeno, and italian sausage. *drool*
Or, when feeling refined I love a no-tomato bufala mozzarella and pumpkin flower pizza! *swoon*
I love to make pizza with the kids. They love it when they put their own toppings on it. Before I do it, I clean the floors really well, get the pets out of the house and set everything out. Lots falls on the floor and you can't logic with a two year old on why she can't eat pepperoni that fell on to the floor while keeping a four year old from hogging all the cheese who also wants to write his name on his pizza with the sauce!
The kids don't get favorite kinds until they are at least 15-- before that they are having to try it all.
I like a thin crust with chicken, artichokes hearts and garlic with a white sauce!
Oh yummy, Rick!!
I love veggies on pizza. My guybestfriend and I disagree on this whole heartedly, but I am all about the veggies. I can almost smell it baking!!
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