The Saturday Seven: Naughty-named Bond Girls
#1: Miss Pussy Galore: She definitely tops the list for the best name (it's a classic) in arguably the best, most defining installment in the series (Goldfinger). She was tough, sexy and talented.

#2 Plenty O'Toole: Her appearance in Diamonds Are Forever was quite memorable. Her chest did most of the talking, but Bond's quip when he meets her at the craps table in Las Vegas was one of the best lines ever: Plenty says to Bond: "Hi I'm Plenty. Plenty O'Toole" Bond glances at her chest and replies: "Named after your father perhaps"

Bonus entry: Xenia Onatopp: She was a very bad girl henchman from GoldenEye. I loved the scene when she killed a guy by squeezing him to death with her legs in bed. She sure liked to be on top alright.

-Rick Rockhill
Gotta love 007!
Nice list.
9th grade algebra my teacher said at the beginning of class she wanted me to stay afterwards. i fretted through the whole class thinking i was in trouble. after class she gushed, 'have you seen octopussy? my husband and i went to see it last night and you look JUST like the bond girl!'
i thought she was nuts then, and i still do.
Oh, those names! Makes any self-respecting woman roll her eyes in disgust! And yes, Corky will LOVE this one. I have another blogger friend who will go crazy with this one....I am going to send him this way.
My favorite naughty Bond girl name came from THE MAN WITH THE GOLDEN GUN. A Chinese girl swimming naked in a pool introduces herself to Bond. She says, "I'm Chew Mee."
I believe Bond says, "Of course you are."
Love it!!!
great post, my husband loves the james bond series, they are all classics in one way or another.
My husband idolized Ursula Andress, especially as she emerged from the water. He still remembers her fondly....LOL....all these many years later.
I spent ages trying to think up a new Bond Girl name to comment here. But those ones in your post and in the comments above are pretty unbeatable!
I have to share that I think I'd end up peeing my pants watching you have a fit of giggles, Rick.
It isn't even hard for me to imagine it happening. I bet that your face absolutely glows in various shades of reds and pinks!
[enter manical laughter here.]
Great post!
Those Bond girl names were always so clever. :)
Never been a fan of Bond...I think he is a sexist pig...but that's just me....lmaooooooooo.
Still a nice list..lol.
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