Ramblings of Rick Rockhill. Pet Food Nutrition Industry Veteran. Public Speaker. Student of life, doing what I love. Following my passions and that which inspire me. Advocate for the health benefits of the human-animal bond, animal nutrition, animal advocacy, awareness of prescription drug abuse and the fentanyl crisis. Home is Palm Springs, California, USA.
This blog is about life experiences & observations and stuff I am interested in. It is simply a side hobby and creative outlet; generally, with a tongue-in-cheek tone. I don't take it too seriously, nor should you. I do not profess to represent every point of view. Nothing on this site is a paid post.
It is for entertainment purposes only it, so just lighten up and just enjoy it. Life is short, live in the moment.
As the author, thoughts/views have no affiliation to my clients, business colleagues or my company.
This blog is independent and free of any type of financial affiliations. Some images used are from the internet and sometimes hard to credit them, so if you own any and want them removed just send me a message.
No copyright infringement intended. I am not responsible for defamatory statements bound to government, religious, or other laws from the reader’s country of origin or residence. The intention of this blog is to do no harm, defame, libel or offend anyone.
LOL, i love it!! my son would have LOVED to see these things when he was small!
i can hardly wait!
rick, are you going to blog from your cruise? i hope so! take lots of photos please!
smiles, bee
I have seen that windmill farm (how can anyone miss that!) on my way to Anaheim many, many times, and we've seen those dinos, but I had no idea about the legend.
Do tell more!
Miss Bee- YES I am planning to blog on the cruise, starting Sunday! AND I have a special surprise as well.
When I went on the Panama Cruise I blogged on board for the entire 19 days. Check out the day one post and work your way forward:
I have been inside the big one. It's full of whoopee cushions and t-shirts. Who knew?
Two dinosaurs roaming in southern California. Thanks for sharing the secret.
I look forward to the report from Dr. Wang and his efforts to contact the two dinosaurs.
Gosh, I hope they are friendly dinos!
Ha nice dinos...I live in Alberta and you should see our dinosaur park here...it is soo funny. I am going out next month and will see if I can get some photos. It is crazy the town has all these brutal sculptures throughout but there is also a world renowned dinosaur museum there. Thanks for stopping by my blog always cool to see new people.
Very cool. Both the wind farms and the dinos.
Isn't a Southern California dinosaur anyone over 30?
I have taken many rolls of film of the windmills, which fascinate me, but never knew their delightful secret.
I would love to meet a real dinosaur, (and a yetty, the Loch Ness monster, and a unicorn.)
Hi Rick
thanks for stopping by my blog and for adding me to your blogroll- that makes me feel wanted and I like that. LOL
dinosaurs in Palm Springs - nice where I am from we only have regular stuff like cats and dogs :)
Have a great weekend Rick
Hi Rick,
Thankyou for stopping by and leaving a comment..very sweet of you. :)
Have wonderful weekend~
Great dinosaur photos Rick. Thanks for posting those
I was in Palm Springs 14 years ago and still remember the windmills with awe. I don't remember the dinosaurs. I wonder if they're a newer addition. Very interesting decoy.
What a fun blog you have...!
Well, I have seen a Sasquatch, (Bigfoot). There are lots of them in the forests here in BC. Every Saturday night they come into the city and drink lots of Labbatt's beer, and then take the Skytrain back to Surrey ... I mean, the forest.
I would love to visit Palm Springs one day. Thanks again for visiting my BLOG! Looks like a great site you have here! :)
Hee hee--I am going to share this story with my son.He is 10 and is growing up fast.Let me see what he says! :-)
Wait a second. Weren't they killed off when they started smoking? Or something?
You don't waste any time visiting folks who leave me comments do you!
Dan- today was "make new blogger friends day" for me...I read some very cool blogs from your list!
Cheryl- I think they are THE SAME dinosaurs that you saw...they are getting a little old and sun worn these days!
Windfarms are currently a hot debate in Wisconsin. Those opposing them think the windmills would kill too many wildlife, but I think the wildlife are smart enough. Is it a problem there?
Anyway, my boys would sure love those dinosaurs statues!
did someone mention, Cruise? Have a good time!! Back when I was part of corporate america, I worked as the inside sales dept trainer..for all new hires..
the panama itinerary is awesome!!
Okay, the dinosaur pics? I just have to say, and I'm blushing as I say it, but now I know where Peewee Herman and his diner waitress went that night!!!
In the movie when his bike was stolen..yeah..I know, I saw it..more than once! :)
Landmarks of that area for sure. I think there's a museum in one of those dinos.
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