Above: Mid-morning I went to watch a demonstration of carving fruit and vegetables. These guys work fast and made some cool things...like the dragon-fly and the penguin. I told Mrs Danvers she needs to learn this skill.
Dr Wang at Sea

Ramblings of Rick Rockhill. Pet Food Nutrition Industry Veteran. Public Speaker. Student of life, doing what I love. Following my passions and that which inspire me. Advocate for the health benefits of the human-animal bond, animal nutrition, animal advocacy, awareness of prescription drug abuse and the fentanyl crisis. Home is Palm Springs, California, USA.
This blog is about life experiences & observations and stuff I am interested in. It is simply a side hobby and creative outlet; generally, with a tongue-in-cheek tone. I don't take it too seriously, nor should you. I do not profess to represent every point of view. Nothing on this site is a paid post.
It is for entertainment purposes only it, so just lighten up and just enjoy it. Life is short, live in the moment.
As the author, thoughts/views have no affiliation to my clients, business colleagues or my company.
This blog is independent and free of any type of financial affiliations. Some images used are from the internet and sometimes hard to credit them, so if you own any and want them removed just send me a message.
No copyright infringement intended. I am not responsible for defamatory statements bound to government, religious, or other laws from the reader’s country of origin or residence. The intention of this blog is to do no harm, defame, libel or offend anyone.
You look a bit chilly, Rick. Do I spy you wearing a sweatshirt?
Love the sunrise and the fruit and veggie carvings.
I'm with you...the morning is THE PERFECT time to be up and waiting...patiently for the sun.
looks like a great day. i imagine right now you are having a drink in your tuxedo waiting for dinner. sigh... i want to be there!
smiles, bee
Oh I'm so jealous! Yo quisiera estar en México...
Don't ask me why, but I find you incredibly sexy sipping that cup o'tea.
sunrises are my favorite. YOu are giving me the bug to call my old friends from my old cruise line..
Has your cabin seward converted your towels into works of art?
Have a great time!! I love vacations...
I hope Dr Wang isn't seasick. HAHA!! how funny. I know, I have toooooooo much time on my hands.
Oh, I get it now...martini's are best when viewed from the front, but morning tea should be a profile... ;)
I'm glad you are having a great time so far...I'm pretty jealous right now.
I wanna go on a cruise!!
I love it "to observe the morning walkers" as opposed to "walk". Heh.
Amazing sunrise pic...I love the sun on the water...thanks for the pics.
I need to learn how to do all that fancy cut work with fruit too!
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