Ramblings of Rick Rockhill. Pet Food Nutrition Industry Veteran. Public Speaker. Student of life, doing what I love. Following my passions and that which inspire me. Advocate for the health benefits of the human-animal bond, animal nutrition, animal advocacy, awareness of prescription drug abuse and the fentanyl crisis. Home is Palm Springs, California, USA.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Super Nanny Casting Call: Palm Springs Area

This blog is about life experiences & observations and stuff I am interested in. It is simply a side hobby and creative outlet; generally, with a tongue-in-cheek tone. I don't take it too seriously, nor should you. I do not profess to represent every point of view. Nothing on this site is a paid post.
It is for entertainment purposes only it, so just lighten up and just enjoy it. Life is short, live in the moment.
As the author, thoughts/views have no affiliation to my clients, business colleagues or my company.
This blog is independent and free of any type of financial affiliations. Some images used are from the internet and sometimes hard to credit them, so if you own any and want them removed just send me a message.
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Mrs. Danvers!!! She has to give it a go. I mean...just look at that logo.
Ben wu- believe me, Mrs Danvers would be one scary nanny...besides, they already have the nanny (Jo Fost). What they are looking for are a few familes. But you do give me an idea...perhaps I should call ABC back and pitch a show concept around Mrs Danvers and Dr Wang...hmmmmm
She is my new fantasy
"I'm not a doctor - I just play one on TV." Sorry, but that's what I thought when I read that first line, Rick!
I've only seen this show once or twice, but there are times I have considered this (or military boarding school) for my kids. Grrrrr...
Holy cow-you're famous!
I do not have kids, nor do I live in CA...so...um....this was just a fun post for me and nothing more. LOL
Could I bring my puppy child or does she only do humans?
hmm, I would consider it if I:
A) lived in Cali
B) Could hide my face behind a wonderwoman's mask
c) not have it filmed in my home, but rather a hotel since ABC was so wonderful to study my children in another environment.
Because I'm never too old to learn new ways to be a better parent-but without the exploitation. :)
There is no way any sane family should be involved in a reality show. Think of the kids in years to come. Please, if you are in trouble with parenting, go see a child therapist.
omg I totally love this show...I was a single mom for a long time and I respect a lot of her ideas...not all but a lot of them
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